Apnée du sommeil et Covid-19

Covid-19 and sleep apnea

Sleep apnea (SAS) is currently diagnosed in more than one million people in France. According to several estimates, this involuntary breathing disorder would actually affect more than five million French people. In this time of health crisis, many people suffering from sleep apnea have many questions. First on the risks of developing a severe form of Covid-19 following complications related to SAS. Another recurring question concerns the continuation of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Back2Sleep provides you with answers to all your questions.

Is sleep apnea syndrome a risk factor for Covid-19 infection?

To date, there is no evidence of any correlation between sleep apnea and Covid-19 infection. According to scientists, people suffering from SAS do not represent a population at risk for Coronavirus. However, apneics are often overweight and obese people.

In addition, sleep apnea is in most cases accompanied by different pathologies such as cardiovascular disorders, high blood pressure and diabetes. These diseases, often associated with sleep apnea, represent important risk factors.

My sleep problems are getting worse during this period of health crisis, should I be worried?

Studies were carried out during the period of confinement by various health organizations. People suffering from sleep apnea were followed. Based on the answers they gave to the questions the researchers asked them, it is now possible to determine the impact of Covid-19 and confinement on the quality of sleep in apneic.

The results show the existence of a slight worsening of sleep disorders and sleep apnea. However, it should be noted that these changes are not the direct result of Coronavirus but of increased stress and anxiety during this period of uncertainty.

Can I continue my continuous positive pressure (CPAP) treatment during the Covid-19 epidemic?

Yes, CPAP treatment should continue. No contraindications have been indicated for treatment with continuous positive pressure. On the other hand, PCP is a risk factor for any infection. Indeed, the tubes, masks and reservoirs of the device are environments conducive to the multiplication of pathogens.

Due to a lack of hygiene, the various air ducts represent a risk of contamination during the night when you use your device. It is therefore particularly crucial in this period of epidemic to focus on the hygiene of your CPAP and to clean all the constituents well.

For optimal hygiene, follow the recommendations of the home care provider. In case of contamination, it is imperative to call your doctor who will advise you on the continuation of your treatment. It will also guide you on the steps to follow to protect those around you from potential contamination.

In conclusion, during this period of Covid-19, the best thing to do is to continue your treatment and usage habits as normal. You must continue CPAP while scrupulously respecting the proper maintenance of your device. If your symptoms worsen, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

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