Breathing is an automatic phenomenon. There is no need to think to inhale and exhale, the process takes place naturally, including during periods of sleep. However, when sleeping, a phenomenon sometimes occurs in some people: ronchopathy, in other words, snoring.
Everyone has had the terrible experience of finding themselves sleeping with someone, at a friend's house, and noticing when they fall asleep that your side the night is likely to be particularly long. Indeed, unfortunately for you, the snoring of the person with whom you share the night is depriving you of sleep.
To remedy this problem, it is necessary to understand the factors initiating snoring.
The mechanisms of snoring
Two types can be determined: nasal and pharyngeal, both of which can be combined.
In the case of snoring of nasal origin, they are simply nasal polyps that relax during sleep and prevent good air circulation. Polyps are growths that develop in the lining of the nasal cavity.
The other type of snoring occurs at from the pharynx to the back of the throat. This snoring from this area accounts for 80% of the causes of ronchopathy .
The phenomenon that occurs when falling asleep is relatively simple. With sleep, a general relaxation of the muscles and therefore of the tissues begins throughout the body, including in the throat.
In the lying position, the pharynx therefore collapses and obstructs the passage of air devoted to breathing. Two phenomena then ensue: firstly a vibration of this zone during the forced passage of air, thus causing the distinctive noise of snoring, and, regularly, a total and temporary obstruction, known as sleep apnea.
Snoring is not for everyone
It is imperative to understand that there is a great inequality in the face of snoring. The age factor is paramount. In order to be convinced of this, it suffices to observe the statistics concerning the age distribution of snorers. Thus before the age of 30, it is estimated that at most 10% of men snore and that this proportion in this same age group drops to 5% for women.
There is immediately a significant gap between men and women. And this gender gap persists throughout life. Men have a greater tendency to gain weight, this is felt in the tissues of the throat which sag and block breathing.
Thus, from the age of 60, the proportions of snorers, both among men and among women, literally explode. In this age group, male snorers are up to 60%, and among women in their sixties and beyond, 40% prevent their spouse from sleeping.
Multiple factors to snoring
The overweight is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in the snoring process. Weight loss can therefore partially remedy this problem, and therefore allow a reduction of sleep apnea. However, in the meantime, it is imperative to find a solution that opens the airways.
Age, weight, gender, consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, are all factors to take into account in order to gain a better understanding of mechanisms of snoring and its origin.
Finding a solution to all of these problems can seem complex. Back2Sleep with its flexible tube opens a pathway for air to flow unhindered from the nostril to the back of the throat. By understanding the different reasons why a person snores, we better understand the solution that Back2Sleep represents, and how it is becoming the preferred choice for more and more snorers.
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