How does the sleep hormone work: melatonin?

How does the sleep hormone work: melatonin?

Your body produces melatonin to introduce it to sleep with peak secretion around 2 a.m. This production then declines over the years, causing sleep problems. Take stock of the sleep hormone by understanding its importance and how it works.

Melatonin: understanding the mechanism of sleep

Melatonin is released when your brain detects a dimming in light, especially at nightfall. This process begins around 7 p.m. and intensifies, peaking around 2 a.m.

Then, your body prepares for waking up with a reduction in melatonin levels. Its production decreases and stops completely in daylight. It sets up your sleep cycle, including waking and falling asleep.

This hormone helps you adapt to jet lag and the changing seasons. Synthetic melatonin will serve you well if you work at night. It is essential if you often travel to countries with other time zones.

Melatonin: its role in the body

Melatonin is linked to your sleep pattern. Its lack disturbs your organism, while low light in winter affects the functioning of your body. Melancholic or depressive winter states are sometimes intrinsic to this hormonal upheaval.

Melatonin thus plays an essential role in the regulation of sleep. It strengthens natural defenses by balancing your biorhythm and contributing to cell regeneration. By limiting the attacks of free radicals, this hormone contributes to the fight against skin aging.

From the age of 55, your body no longer secretes enough melatonin, causing sleep disturbances. The most common are difficulty falling asleep and insomnia.

Melatonin: tablets

It is available in doses in pharmacies to help seniors get back to sleep. However, it is not an ideal remedy, especially for chronic insomnia. The doubt lies in the unconvincing effectiveness of this drug against sleep disorders, especially over time.

The sleep hormone promotes drowsiness, but may cause drowsiness when given in drug form. The pharmaceutical industry recommends limiting its use.

Melatonin tablets is a emergency and short-term alternative. It does not represent a full treatment for insomnia.

Melatonin: other warnings

In tablet form, melatonin is not recommended, or even prohibited if you suffer from cancer, for example. The best thing is to always seek the advice of a doctor. Compliance with prescriptions, especially in terms of dosage, is of paramount importance so as not to multiply side effects.

Melatonin tablets produce adverse reactions such as lack of concentration, migraine or nightmares. Nevertheless, it differs from sleeping pills for its non-sedative properties. Below 2 mg, it is accessible without a prescription. Otherwise, only your doctor can prescribe the medicine for you.

Sources :,)%20pour%20faciliter%20l'endormissement.

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