apnee du sommeil

How do you know if you suffer from sleep apnea?

One of the corollaries of snoring is sleep apnea. This companion to Nighttime noise pollution can seriously impact the health of those who suffer from it.

By observing the mechanism of snoring, one can also have a better understanding of its link with sleep apnea. Both phenomena stem from difficulty breathing during sleep, and it is therefore imperative, before symptoms worsen, to be able to know if snoring is the indicator from a lack of oxygenation.


Clues during sleep

A first series of clues may appear during the sleep phase itself. These points can be noted directly by the snorer or by his relatives. The latter will have the opportunity to witness certain difficulties appearing during the night. So by knowing what to pay attention to, it is easier to establish a relevant diagnosis.

The first sign of sleep apnea is , of course, the humming. The origin of snoring is the obstruction of the airways during sleep. This blockage comes from a relaxation of the muscle tissue of the soft palate or tongue during the night. Combined with being overweight squeezing the throat with fat, the airway narrows. Thus phases of snoring alternate with phases of apnea.

Following an apneic episode, heavy breathing s then. This is another index of apnea. Added to this is the appearance of sudden awakenings during sleep initiated by the absence of air. The body will therefore come out of its drowsiness in order to literally resume its breathing after this feeling of asphyxiation. Sudden awakening is not necessary, and there may be phases of “micro-awakenings” of which the snorer is not necessarily aware, but which must alert those around him.

General restlessness during the night, frequent urges to urinate, feeling tired in the morning, the feeling of not having had a restful sleep, are so many clues that should sound the alarm about what happens at night for the snorer.

Indeed, by definition, the absence of breathing is completely inaudible. It is therefore the elements before or after the sleep apnea that make it possible to determine the existence of this apnea.< /span>

Clues during the day

During the day, other elements can confirm the existence of sleep apnea. First of all, a form of fatigue which can manifest itself in two different ways: asthenia, that is to say a feeling of latent fatigue throughout the day, and a state of drowsiness which can appear at different times. of the day, which causes the snorer to pitch down. This point must be particularly monitored because it can lead to danger. If drowsiness occurs while reading, in front of a computer or television, this is not a concern. On the other hand, during the driving of a vehicle, during work, or any other situation requiring to be imperatively awake, these states of micro-sleep can become worrying from a security point of view.

apnee du sommeil

Obviously this permanent state of fatigue induces other phenomena such as difficulty concentrating, a certain irritability, as well as morning headaches. Attention ! All these clues are not necessarily concomitant or even necessary in order to establish such a diagnosis. In addition to these indices, erectile problems for men.

Thus, if some of these clues accumulate, you should not hesitate to consult your doctor to make sure that you are suffering or not from sleep apnea.

It is imperative to treat this pathology quickly before it leads to more serious and potentially irremediable effects, such as cardiovascular problems.

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