Nez bouché

Stuffy nose: causes, symptoms, risk factors and remedies

A stuffy nose, also known as nasal congestion, can result from a variety of causes. It is an irritation or inflammation of the nasal passage which blocks the passage of air through the nose. A stuffy nose can be extremely disabling and the person concerned can quickly see their daily life disrupted. Different risk factors can promote a stuffy nose. Different symptoms can accompany the feeling of stuffy nose. Many treatments and remedies exist to effectively fight against a stuffy nose.


Stuffy nose: causes
Stuffy nose: symptoms and risk factors
Stuffy nose: remedies and solutions

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Stuffy nose: the causes

Cold, a cold, sinusitis... are all elements that can cause a stuffy nose. Nevertheless, some people constantly experience this feeling and lose quality of life.

Why are some people more prone to stuffy noses? and how to explain this mechanism?

First of all, it is important to highlight that nasal congestion can be unilateral and touch while one of the two nostrils or on the contrary be bilateral and touch both nostrils in this situation.

The first cause is an anatomical problem. It will then be a skeletal anomaly bone, a deviation of the nasal septum for example.


The second and by far the most common cause will stem from the season. Nasopharyngitis causes inflammation of the nasal cavity and pharynx. Allergies are manifested by inflammatory reaction that dilates blood vessels.

A stuffy nose can be caused by vasomotor rhinitis. It is recognized that women are more affected by this pathology and that periods of stress favor it.

Chronic sinusitis can also lead to stuffy feeling. Inflammation of the sinuses causes irritation around the eyes as well as runny nose and finally nasal congestion.

Stuffy nose: symptoms and risk factors

A temporary stuffy nose can affect anyone, through the flu or even rhinitis. Before discussing the symptoms it is important to highlight a number of risk factors.

Lifestyle is essential and has an undeniable impact on health. Smoking or living in a smoky environment strongly promotes nasal congestion.

Similarly not getting enough hydration causes nasal congestion.

facteur de risque nez bouché

Another risk factor is cold. During the cold seasons the risk of having nasal congestion increases.

Symptoms of a stuffy nose are numerous. The first is runny nose which is often accompanied by fever. Sore throat and a slight cough regularly accompany a stuffy nose caused by a cold. strong>.

Sinusitis causing a feeling of stuffy nose is accompanied by headaches, secretions in the throat and fever.

Finally, a stuffy nose caused by an allergy causes very specific symptoms. The patient will then present itching as well as redness in the eyes, itching in the throat as well as nosebleeds.

Stuffy nose: remedies and solutions

There are many remedies and medications for a stuffy nose, there are all kinds. It is important to know the cause of nasal congestion to choose the most suitable treatment.

When a stuffy nose results from a cold it is recommended to use decongestants. There are natural ones based on plant and essential oils that are effective.

nez bouché traitements

Lemon juice rich in vitamin C is excellent for fighting a stuffy nose. It can be diluted in a little hot water.

Nasal congestion can be relieved with anose wash based on physiological serum or sea water.

In case hypertrophy of the turbinates it is possible to use radio frequency or laser. This treatment will reduce the mucous membrane in order to free the passage of air.

Homeopathy can intervene in case of nasal congestion. The patient can take Sticta pulmonaria granules which help with decongestion.

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