A woman annoyed by her husband's snoring

Flexible anti-snoring cannula explanation, mechanism and advice.

The flexible anti-snoring cannula a solution for people with ronchopathy.

The flexible anti-snoring cannula has been designed for patients suffering from ronchopathy. The figures show a male tendency to snore but a number of women can also suffer from it. Snoring results from different factors. obesity, alcohol consumption, a nasal defect (rhinitis, deviated septum or broken nose), < strong>poor position when sleeping, big tonsils or a thick tongue can be the cause. This snoring tends to get worse over time and can cause Obstructive Sleep Apneal. Sleep apnea induces respiratory arrest at minus 10 seconds and can last up to thirty seconds. When the subject presents over a period of one hour of sleep five apneas, it is considered that he suffers from sleep apnea. These apneas cause micro-awakenings which are not necessarily detected by the patient but which strongly disturb his sleep cycle, particularly the deep sleep phase, which is calls restorative sleep.

canule souple anti ronflement

95% of patients with sleep apnea snore. Snoring is therefore a warning sign of sleep apnea. A person who snores a lot will therefore be indicated for an apnea-specific examination.

Two examinations are recommended for this pathology: ventilatory polygraphy and polysomnography.
The louder the snoring sound, the more intense the suffocation will be. Snoring can also go so far as to promote the onset of cardiovascular disease.

The flexible anti-snoring cannula: mechanism

The expected effects of the flexible anti-snoring cannula are to compensate for the asphyxia presented by the patient by freeing the passage of air to the larynx through the mouth and nose. The inspired air is humidified and prevents dryness of the mucous membranes of the larynx and mouth.

But what is a cannula? A cannula is a small tube that is mostly plastic, but can also be metal or rubber. This tube aims to release the air passage to an orifice. The soft anti-snoring cannula is made of soft silicone and contains a mouthpiece and a filter. The purpose of the filter is to clean and humidify the inspired air. An elastic keeps the tube in the mouth while blocking the filter.
The flexible anti-snoring cannula is inserted into the mouth and helps the air to reach the larynx by avoiding vibrations and/or humming.

canule souple anti-ronflement

This extremely simple mechanism costs around 50 euros and is not reimbursed by social security.
The patient may experience a feeling of nausea.
It should be noted that this flexible anti-snoring cannula can very well be supplemented with a treatment with homeopathy or alternative medicine.

Other solutions than the flexible anti-snoring cannula

Other solutions than the flexible cannula exist to fight against snoring and sleep apnea.
The first of the recommended solutions is to improve your lifestyle. This improvement requires weight loss and stopping alcohol and smoking.
But very often these measures are not enough. The surgery is effective and frees the pharynx but remains restrictive, since it is performed under general anesthesia and is painful. This procedure is called: Uvulo-Pharyngo-Plastie.
Without going as far as surgery, there are solutions other than the flexible anti-snoring cannula.

Back2Sleep® has implemented an innovative intranasal orthosis to effectively combat snoring and sleep apnea. This orthosis frees up the airways and prevents the vibrations that cause snoring. Available in up to six sizes, the Back2Sleep orthosis adapts to your morphology for optimal comfort.Nastent intranasal orthosis

Another option, but which meets the same vocation as the flexible anti-snoring cannula: l'PAP device. It allows through a machine to bring air to the lungs through a nasal mask. This device is intended to prevent apnea. The disadvantages of this CPAP device are numerous. The noise is consequent, wearing the mask causes irritation and its use is excluded in case of bronchitis or colds.

Finally, the mandibular advancement orthosis looks like a gutter. It is suggested for patients with mild apnea. This denture allows the lower jaw to move forward in order to facilitate the passage of air. Some braces are universal and must be soaked in warm water before use in order to adapt to the dentition. It is recommended to use a custom-made orthosis for more efficiency. This brace may cause some adverse effects such as pain in the jaw, bleeding gums or moving teeth.

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