How does the anti-snoring mouthpiece (mandibular advancement brace) work?

How does the anti-snoring mouthpiece (mandibular advancement brace) work?

The Anti-Snoring Orthosis is a paramedical device designed to limit noise disturbance related to muscle contractions during your night breathing. Snoring affects your life and solving it can improve your physical and psychological health.

The anti-snoring splint in a nutshell

Caused by anxiety, the chronic fatigue or sleep debt, snoring is a problem for the sleeper and those around him. The anti-snoring orthosis represents an alternative to remedy this.

This is a device to be placed in the upper jaw at the level of the teeth. It differs from the mouthpiece in its fitting technique. Its two components are respectively placed on the upper and lower jaws. Jaw adjustment is via the lever.

Similar to dentures, the anti-snoring device is characterized by its ease of use and efficiency. It is designed to fit the morphology of your mouth and is therefore available in several sizes.

The anti-snoring splint in action

Anti-snoring equipment is for aligning the jaws to optimize breathing and reduce breath noise. Concretely, it pushes the lower jaw and the tongue muscle forward. As a result, it is found at the same level as the upper jaw. This mechanism frees up space in the throat, thus smoothing the passage of air while breathing.

Splint treats the causes of snoring at their sources. Nevertheless, it should be noted that this accessory has its limits and does not make it possible to remedy serious snoring.

Themandibular advancement orthosis comes with other anti-snoring remedies. Obesity and stress are other recognized and common origins of sleep apnea. For a better night's sleep, consider reviewing your diet and lifestyle.

The first use anti-snoring splint

The Mandibular Advancement Brace is designed to adapt to your anatomy . In this sense, you must first mold it so that it fits your teeth and your jaw. The technique is simple: you boil your device and bite into it to leave the imprint of your mouth. The notice usually contains the indications and precautions to carry out the molding process.

Generally speaking, here are the steps for molding a anti-snoring splint. In a saucepan, boil water, then leave to stand for a few minutes. Dip your device in hot water and then immerse it in cold water. When it is cold enough, take it and bite into it for several seconds (duration according to the instructions) by aligning your mouth. As soon as the device has your mouthprint, put it in ice for the firm.

The daily anti-snoring orthosis

The anti-snoring device for use only at night, but daily wear requires regular cleaning. Its maintenance is of paramount importance, and largely depends on the brand, type and range.

Every morning rinse it off with lukewarm water. Keep it in its box in a cool, dry place after drying it with a clean handkerchief. Twice a week, disinfect with antibacterial brace solution.


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