rhinite hypertrophique

Hypertrophic rhinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

The most common symptoms are sneezing, stuffy or stuffy nose or itching.

Hypertrophic rhinitis: definition

Hypertrophic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes. Very common and relatively benign, this pathology known as "stuffy nose syndrome" and often likened to the common cold can nevertheless cause very bothersome symptoms. Chronic or acute hypertrophic rhinitis must therefore be treated. This treatment depends on the origin of the rhinitis. Rhinitis allergic or not, the causes differ.

Hypertrophic rhinitis: the causes

Hypertrophic rhinitis exists in different forms. Whatever the causes, certain risk factors favor the occurrence of this inflammation of the nose.

Hypertrophic rhinitis in pregnant women, pollution, tobacco: risk factors

rhinite hypertrophique causes

The main factors that favor the occurrence of allergic rhinitis or not are as follows:

  • Hypertrophic rhinitis in pregnant women: women are more prone to syndrome of inflammation of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy and certain periods of its menstrual cycle.
  • Asthma or cystic fibrosis, as well as certain chronic pathologies are likely to cause hypertrophic rhinitis.

Allergic hypertrophic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis or infectious rhinitis

Depending on the origin of the inflammation, rhinitis is classified under a separate name:

  • Allergic hypertrophic rhinitis: when the airways come into contact with allergenic substances – dust, animal hair, dust mites, pollen – the nasal mucosa reacts to protect the body . This causes hypertrophic rhinitis. When it is allergic, it can be seasonal – due to pollen at spring time – we then speak of hay fever. Chronic rhinitis occurs when allergens are present on a daily basis – house dust mites or animal hair, for example.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis: certain irritants present in the air cause excessive dilation of the blood vessels of the nasal septum, resulting in inflammation of the nose.

Beyond allergens, irritating environmental substances or viruses and bacteria, other deeper causes can be at the origin of hypertrophic rhinitis. These include structural abnormalities of the nasal apparatus – polyps – hormonal fluctuations – during pregnancy for example – or inappropriate intake of certain medications or drugs.

Hypertrophic rhinitis: symptoms

How to detect hypertrophic rhinitis? The symptoms are many and varied, and bother the patient in his daily life.

Bilateral or unilateral hypertrophic rhinitis: nasal obstruction as the main symptom

The first symptom of hypertrophic rhinitis is discomfort in nasal breathing. The nose is blocked and prevents the smooth circulation of air. This nasal obstruction can hamper the inspiration and expiration – we speak of bilateral hypertrophic rhinitis – or only one of the two movements – it is then a question of unilateral hypertrophic rhinitis. In any case, this major symptom is expressed in a more or less severe way: some patients observe it during effort or during sleep only, others support it throughout the day.

rhinite hypertrophique symptomes

Sneezing and sensory disturbances: other symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis

The patient with rhinitis is prone to many symptoms other than a stuffy nose:

  • Sneezing which occurs at a variable intensity and frequency.
  • Runny nose – rhinorrhea – and mucus in the throat.
  • Irritated, red and watery eyes – especially in hypertrophic allergic rhinitis.
  • A persistent cough due to mouth breathing.
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Taste disorders and hearing disorders.
  • A pharyngitis or laryngitis with by fever – especially in cases of infectious rhinitis.

Itchy eyes and throat, itchy nose…all symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis that can be treated.

rhinite hypertrophique traitement

Hypertrophic rhinitis: treatments

To reduce discomfort, and to avoid complications, it is important to treat hypertrophic rhinitis when it occurs.

Hypertrophic rhinitis: treatment depending on the cause of the pathology

Before considering a remedy, it is essential to diagnose the pathology. Chronic hypertrophic, infectious rhinitis or allergic hypertrophic rhinitis, the treatment is not the same. For an accurate diagnosis, it is essential to consult a medical specialist: an allergist or O.R.L. The medical professional will be able to prescribe tests to confirm the diagnosis – blood test, skin tests – in order to plan the appropriate treatment.

Note: to determine the origin of hypertrophic rhinitis and treat it effectively, the patient must be sure to discuss his setting with his doctor. lifestyle, profession and family history. Some risk factors are in fact derived from the patient's living environment or genetic heritage.

Treating hypertrophic rhinitis: surgery or drugs

  • Treating hypertrophic allergic rhinitis: the treatment consists of taking antihistamine-type drugs, or even corticosteroids in the event of severe rhinitis. It should be taken at the time of seizures. Some patients opt for desensitization , in order to stop the allergy, but its effectiveness is not guaranteed.
  • Treating chronic hypertrophic rhinitis: the first reflex is to take medication. In the absence of convincing results, laser surgery may be performed. This surgical operation makes it possible in particular to remedy the structural defects of the nasal septum.
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