ronflement femme

Snoring and women: Cause, Consequences and solution

Important points Summary
What is snoring in women? Snoring in women is caused by the relaxation of throat muscles during sleep, narrowing the airway and causing noisy vibrations.
Different types of snoring Light/occasional, moderate, chronic/severe (associated with sleep apnea).
Causes of snoring in women Hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause), obesity/weight gain, allergies/infections.
Consequences of snoring Sleep disorders, fatigue, cardiovascular risks, relationship/social problems, decreased libido, risks during pregnancy.
Solutions to reduce snoring Lifestyle changes (weight loss, smoking/alcohol cessation), anti-snoring devices (mandibular advancement orthoses, nasal dilators), Back2Sleep intranasal orthosis.

What is snoring in women?

Snoring in women occurs when the throat muscles relax during sleep, causing the airways to narrow.

Air passing through this restricted passage vibrates the surrounding soft tissues, creating the hoarse sound characteristic of snoring.

In fact, around one in four women snores in her sleep.

What are the different types of snoring?

Mild or occasional snoring

Are you a one-night snorer?

Mild or occasional snoring does not disturb your nights or those of your partner.

It can occur especially in winter, when allergies are rife, or after an evening of drinking.

Moderate snoring

More frequent and louder, moderate snoring can be annoying for those around you, and interfere with your ability to recover.

As a result, you have bad nights and wake up tired.

Chronic or severe snoring

When snoring is permanent, loud(over 95 decibels) and associated with other symptoms such as sleep apnea we speak of chronic or severe snoring.

This type of snoring is a pathology that needs to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

What causes snoring in women?

Hormonal changes

Hormonal fluctuations play a key role in female snoring.

During pregnancy, increased levels of progesterone and estrogen can cause swelling and congestion of the nasal mucous membranes, favoring snoring.

Similarly, at menopause, lower estrogen levels can cause the muscles in the throat and airways to relax, facilitating the obstructions and vibrations that cause snoring.

Obesity and weight gain

Excess weight or fat around the neck can narrow the airways and partially obstruct the passage of air during sleep, causing snoring.

This is why weight loss is often recommended as a solution to reduce snoring in overweight or obese women.

Allergies and infections

💊 Seasonal allergies,

💊 colds,

💊 sinusitis,

💊 other respiratory tract infections.

They can cause nasal inflammation and congestion, leading to temporary snoring

Treating the underlying cause, such as allergens or infection, can usually put an end to temporary snoring.

Le ronflement et les causes

The consequences of snoring for women

Sleep disorders and chronic fatigue

Snoring disrupts a woman's sleep, leading to frequent awakenings and unrefreshing sleep.

Sleep deprivation leads to chronic fatigue on a daily basis, concentration difficulties, irritability and reduced productivity.

In the long term, this can have a negative impact on physical and mental health.

Cardiovascular risks

Studies have shown a link between severe snoring and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as:

💊 hypertension,

💊 strokes,

💊 heart disease.

Snoring can be a precursor to sleep apnea, a respiratory disorder that considerably increases these risks.

Relationship and social problems

Beyond the physical consequences, snoring can have a negative impact on a woman's social and relational life.

Noise can disturb your partner's sleep, creating tension within the couple.

What's more, the embarrassment and shame associated with snoring can drive women into social isolation.

Decreased libido

Chronic fatigue, stress and sleep disturbances associated with snoring can lead to reduced libido in women.

This can affect intimacy within the couple and contribute to further relationship problems.

Risks during pregnancy

In pregnant women, snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, a condition that increases the risk of hypertension, pre-eclampsia, premature delivery and low birth weight.

It is therefore important to monitor and treat snoring during pregnancy.

Le ronflement chez la femme

Solutions to reduce snoring in women

Lifestyle changes

Before considering medical treatments, we recommend adopting a healthier lifestyle.

💊 Weight loss,

💊 stop smoking,

💊 limiting alcohol consumption.

They can greatly help reduce snoring.

💊 Sleeping on your side rather than on the back also helps to clear the airways.

Anti-snoring devices

When lifestyle changes aren't enough, different appliances can be considered.

The mandibular advancement orthoses worn at night, keep the lower jaw slightly forward to clear the airway.

Silicone nasal dilators or external nasal retractors help keep the nostrils open for better nasal breathing.

The Back2Sleep solution, the intranasal orthosis

Back2Sleep is an intranasal orthosis designed to treat snoring and sleep apnea in women.

Its tip reaches the soft palate to keep the airways clear during the night.


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