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Snoring pregnant woman: symptoms, medical solutions, remedies and tips

Snoring and pregnancy: many physiological changes can contribute to an increase in snoring. Increased blood volume and soft tissues welling, particularly in the soft palate, can reduce air circulation, causing nocturnal vibrations, also known as snoring. Frequent nasal congestion during pregnancy can also exacerbate this phenomenon.

So, what can you do about a snoring at night? A common solution recommended by ENT specialists is to sleep on your side rather than on your back, which can help improve sleep quality. From nasal dilators can also be used to improve breathing during sleep.

It is essential for any pregnant woman suffering from sleep disorders to consult a doctor to assess the potential risks, including sleep apnea. This condition can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, disrupting the restorative sleep essential during pregnancy.

Snoring and pregnancy: the reasons

Snoring during pregnancy is a common phenomenon (ronchopathy), particularly in the last trimester.

But what exactly causes this increased snoring in pregnant women? Several factors play a key role.

First-of-all, weight gain during pregnancy plays a major role. A pregnant woman's increased body mass and neck circumference can lead to a narrowing of the upper airways, making it more difficult to circulate air. This can lead to vibration of the throat tissues during breathing, causing snoring.

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The presence of estrogen, typical of pregnancy, causes tissue swelling in the nasal passages and mucous membranes.  Nasal congestion can aggravate snoring, especially if the pregnant woman is prone to allergies. These swollen tissues reduce the space for air to circulate freely, increasing the chances of snoring.

And a healthy lifestyle, such as avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption, can also reduce the risk. A study 41% of women snore during pregnancy, compared with 12% before.

Snoring during pregnancy: medical solutions and other alternatives

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes, including the way she breathes during sleep. Snoring is common in many pregnant women. Although often benign, it's crucial to talk to your gynecologist, as it can sometimes be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea.

Osteopathy is another beneficial solution for snoring mums-to-be. By working on the glands and promoting hormonal regulation, the osteopath can reduce obstruction of the pharynx and relaxation of the palate muscles, the main culprits of snoring.

For those looking for immediate solutions, nasal strips may be an option. They facilitate airflow by enlarging the nostrils. However, their long-term effectiveness is not always guaranteed.

The Back2Sleep intra-nasal orthosis is another alternative that adjusts to the pregnant woman's morphology, improving oxygenation and reducing night-time noise pollution.

But whatever the solution, it's essential to consult a GP or sleep specialist. In fact, symptoms such as pauses in breathing or frequent awakening during the night may indicate more severe sleep-disordered breathing, requiring appropriate treatment.

Snoring and pregnancy: tips for peaceful sleep

Pregnancy is a transitional period in a woman's life, accompanied by many physiological changes. Among these, snoring can become an unwelcome nocturnal companion for some pregnant women. Fortunately, there are non-medicinal tricks to alleviate this inconvenience.

Adopt the right position

Lying on your side, especially your left side, improves blood circulation and reduces pressure on the diaphragm, making breathing easier. In addition, slightly elevating the head with a pillow or anti-snoring pillow can prevent the lower jaw from recoiling, thus avoiding upper airway obstruction.

Natural solutions

The anti-snoring ring, inspired by acupuncture, acts on precise points on the little finger to promote better breathing. As for natural remedies, a spoonful of olive oil before bedtime can soften throat tissues. On the other hand, eucalyptus tea, with its decongestant properties, is a recommended option for those who snore.

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Healthy living

Avoiding dairy products before bed prevents the formation of mucus, which can further obstruct the airways. Similarly, using a saline-based nasal spray can help clear nasal passages. If dry air is a problem in your bedroom, a humidifier or even a simple bowl of water near a radiator can make all the difference.

Strengthening muscles

Targeted tongue and throat exercises can help reduce snoring. They strengthen the muscles of the upper respiratory tract, preventing them from relaxing during sleep. Regular practice of these exercises can improve the quality of sleep for both the sleeper and his or her partner.

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