Somniloquy: definition of this universal disorder
You may not know this sleep disorder by its medical name, but when you are toldto talk while sleeping, it is immediately more telling. Sleep talking is a full-fledged sleep disorder that is distinct from sleepwalking. In the first case, the affected person does not put themselves in danger because the fact of talking while sleeping implies, as its name suggests, that sleep is not disturbed. On the contrary, sleepwalking targets a person who is active, gets up, moves and can in some cases put themselves in real danger. A person with sleep talking emits words while sleeping, ranging from whispers to cries, not to mention crying. The leaked sentences are mostly incomprehensible. Although embarrassing for the sleeper, who may find himself faced with delicate revelations, this disorder is especially embarrassing for the person who shares his bed.However, it is not assimilated to a disease. Sleep talking remains an understudied aspect of the sleep disorder family due to of the rare suffering it causes.
But what is it due to?
You are tempted to think that people who suffer from sleepwalking are automatically affected by sleepwalking, aren't you?
However, this is not a consistently valid statement. Many people experience the symptoms of sleep talking while experiencing sleepwalking, but this is not a generality. In addition, exclusive sleep talkers are rare (1.5% of the population) and are rarely consulted. Generally, sleep talking occurs episodically and not chronically. This sleep disorder involves severe fatigue, manifested by lack of sleep, a large amount of accumulated stress or even an illness with the presence of fever. Also, such a disorder may be due to taking medications that cause psychotic behavior or to the consumption of alcohol and drugs. Sleep talking is closely related to psychology given its causes. A psychic malaise is more likely to promote the appearance of such a disorder. Contrary to popular belief, a person who talks in their sleep is not necessarily a person who sleeps poorly. Most patients with sleep talking don't even remember what they said. Be careful, if you have things to hide, sleep talking is the sworn enemy of secrets!
Somniloquy: effects and consequences
Knowing that we are almost equal when it comes to sleep talking: 75% of women and 71% of men are affected, you have the right to be annoyed if your partner shows signs of this sleep disturbance. Not being considered a disease in its own right, sleep talking can still create tension in your relationship. The culprits?
The disclosure of secrets or a majority of vulgar or even destabilizing words. Sleepers most often make reproaches and insults that target their work. So beware if you are too overworked at work, you are more likely to be grumpy in your sleep! So if you suffer from adult sleep talking, you don't have the worst role. Think of the ears that must support your nocturnal chatter...
When should you worry?
Therefore, it presents no cure or treatment other than patience.Most often, this disorder appears in young children and disappears over the years. Know that half of children talk in their sleep. You should only start worrying if you have other symptoms of sleep disorders associated with sleep talking.
For example, sleepwalking and sleepwalking don't mix, as much as sleepwalking and bruxism a>. The latter includes grinding your teeth while sleeping. Can you imagine talking while sleeping and, as a bonus, grinding your teeth? Your bed neighbor will have to be as patient as hell. So, if your sleep talking is accompanied by another TCSP (Behavioral Disorder in Sommeil Paradoxal), you should consult a health professional. As you have understood, the sleep disorder referred to as sleep talking is harmless. Talking while sleeping is unpleasant and disturbing for those around you. The person affected by this disorder does not alter the quality of his sleep. Both children and adults can be affected by sleep talking. If you are among the minority of people chronically affected by this sleep disturbance, you must be patient.
Look for the problem at its source, most often psychological, to solve it. If you suspect a stress overdose, try pre-sleep relaxation methods that will act as a sleep ritual. To go further, why not try self-hypnosis to give you every chance of enjoying a deep and restorative sleep?

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