9 questions about snoring

9 questions about snoring

Snoring is a process that occurs during inspiration and generates unwanted noises. It then acts on breathing during sleep phases and can alter sleep quality during the night. What you need to know is that this anomaly is the most harmless form of a disease known as ronchopathy.

In its most severe form, snoring becomes one of the symptoms of sleep apnea. Breathing sounds are caused by the Venturi effect.

This occurs when a fluid enters an expandable duct and travels through a contracted zone. Contraction accelerates fluid movement, causing it to collapse and cling to the walls.

What causes snoring?

Snoring is a sign that you're not in a restful sleep phase.

When you sleep, the muscles in your neck(pharynx) tend to relax. This relaxation of the muscles then acts on the upper respiratory tract or upper airway. The nose (nasal septum) and throat become virtually closed, preventing the passage of air produced by the pulmonary system.

The causes of snoring can be temporary or long-lasting. With a swollen uvula or excessive pressure in the neck area, you can expect to snore in the evening until these syndromes disappear. In the long term, snoring may be due to the shape of your nose or jaw.

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What to do about snoring?

To limit or even eliminate snoring, you need to adopt a healthier lifestyle, as follows:

  • A high percentage of sleepers are obese or overweight, which facilitates airway obstruction.
  • Do not consume alcohol or other sedatives before sleeping, as they cause muscles to relax and the soft palate to collapse.
  • Limit smoking, which increases inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  • Avoid lying down, as this puts the tongue and soft palate at an angle that blocks the passage of air.
  • Treatments for nasal congestion include effective anti-snoring sprays, anti-snoring devices (e.g. nasal dilators, anti-snoring rings ) and intranasal orthoses, intranasal orthosis) or a natural anti-snoring

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Is snoring dangerous?

Not all snoring is dangerous. Danger can arise from respiratory arrest during sleep. These suspensions are all the more dangerous when they are accompanied by deep breathing resumption in the form of noisy snoring.

 Daytime sleepiness is also considered an alarming symptom. If the subject has cardiovascular, cholesterol or hypertension problems high blood their snoring needs to be treated as soon as possible to avoid even more serious dysfunctions.

Why do women snore?

In women, loud snoring is often linked to a poor lifestyle, such as an unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking. If the problem persists, it may be due to certain illnesses such as sleep apnea. Occasional snoring can also be caused by a cold, poor sleeping posture or simple nasal congestion. And don't forget that over 40% of pregnant women tend to snore, especially at the start of the third month of pregnancy.

Snoring in children: should you consult a doctor?

Whatever the circumstances of your child's snoring, it's essential to consult a doctor. Snoring may occur as a result of enlarged tonsils and, in more serious cases, craniofacial malformations and neurocognitive disorders. It would therefore be wise to seek medical advice at the first sign of snoring.

How can I stop snoring?

Some very simple habits can easily put an end to snoring. With a healthier lifestyle, respiratory functions are restored to optimal function. Sometimes all it takes is a balanced diet and limiting the use of harmful substances such as tobacco to see your snoring diminish or even disappear.

To increase your chances of getting a good night's sleep, it's a good idea to look after your posture, choose the right pillows and hydrate properly before going to bed.

What natural solutions are there to stop snoring?

  • Essential oils: Menthol opens the respiratory tract. Opt for a mixture of "half water, half menthol" and spray it around your bed. For a variety of aromas, you can choose marjoram, lavender, marjoram, geranium, peppermint, eucalyptus, etc.
  • Olive oil: Drink 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil before going to bed. You'll notice a marked reduction in vibrations in the throat, which will considerably reduce your snoring.
  • Nettle leaves: Thanks to their antihistamine action, they are known as one of the best natural solutions against snoring. You can drink them as an infusion.


Should surgery be considered?

Surgery is only necessary in cases of severe snoring or sleep apnea medically diagnosed. The doctor will then decide whether you need conventional, laser or radiofrequency surgery.

The "classic" operation involves removing part of the soft palate or uvula. The same principle is applied during a laser procedure without hospitalization or anesthesia.  Radiofrequency is used to shrink tissue using electrodes.

Who should I talk to about snoring?

Only an ENT SPECIALIST, a specialist in abnormalities of the nose, throat and ears, can intervene in cases of snoring, either by proposing the necessary medication and care, or through surgical intervention.


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