Dentier anti ronflement

Anti-snoring dentures: indication, advice, custom orthotics and orthotics in pharmacies

Important points Summary
What is a dental orthosis for sleep apnea? A dental orthotic is a removable plastic appliance that holds the lower jaw slightly forward to prevent airway obstruction during sleep.
What are the types of dental orthoses? The main types are: monobloc, biplaque, flexible and lingual repositioning. They differ in design, adjustment and cost.
When to use a dental orthosis for sleep apnea? Dental orthoses are indicated for mild to moderate apneas, in cases of intolerance to CPAP, for frequent travel or in the presence of bruxism. They are contraindicated in cases of severe apnea, major dental problems and severe gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Price of a dental orthosis for sleep apnea A pre-produced brace costs around €50, while a custom-made brace costs around €900. Reimbursement by the Assurance Maladie is 60% after prior agreement.
Review of dental orthotics for sleep apnea The opinions of doctors and dentists are divided, some considering them effective while others denounce the risks of complications. Patient testimonials are also mixed.
The Back2Sleep solution, the intranasal brace The Back2Sleep intranasal orthosis, recommended by the HAS, holds the nostrils open during sleep to facilitate breathing. It is an interesting alternative to CPAP and dental orthotics.


What is a dental orthosis for sleep apnea?

A dental orthosis (mandibular advancement splint) is a removable plastic appliance worn over the teeth during sleep.

Its role is to keep the lower jaw slightly forward to prevent obstruction of the airways.

How a dental orthosis works

You're probably wondering how this device works

By holding your lower jaw slightly forward while you sleep, it prevents obstruction of the pharynx (throat) by the tongue and surrounding soft tissue.

🔎 Let's take an example: if a garden hose is slightly crushed, water will no longer be able to pass through it.

This is exactly what happens with obstructive sleep apnea!

The upper airways narrow to the point of blocking the passage of air.

With the dental brace, the "pipe" remains wide open all night, allowing you to breathe freely.

Dentier anti-ronflement

What are the types of dental orthoses?

One-piece mandibular advancement orthosis

This is the most common and simplest model.

This is a one-piece splint that covers the upper and lower teeth.

An integrated propulsion system moves the lower jaw forward to clear the airway.

Its adjustability is limited, but its price remains affordable.

Biplate mandibular advancement orthosis

More sophisticated, this brace consists of two parts linked by an adjustable advancement mechanism.

It enables:

💊 greater comfort,

💊 better retention,

💊 greater mandibular advancement.

However, it is more expensive than the monobloc model.

Flexible mandibular advancement orthosis

Made from a flexible material, this brace adapts perfectly to the shape of the jaws.

It is particularly comfortable to wear, but its mandibular advancement remains limited.

This is a good option for patients who have difficulty getting used to rigid orthoses.

Lingual repositioning orthosis

Less well known, this brace holds the tongue forward with a mouthpiece, preventing airway obstruction.

It does not require mandibular advancement and is suitable for patients with dental problems.

When to use a dental orthosis for sleep apnea?

Indications for dental braces

  • Mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea:

This is the main indication for dental braces.

They keep the upper airway open during sleep by moving the lower jaw forward.

  • Intolerance or refusal of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) :

Some patients do not tolerate wearing a face mask connected to a CPAP machine.

Dental orthoses are an interesting alternative.

  • Frequent travel:

For frequent travelers, the easily transportable dental orthosis can temporarily replace the cumbersome CPAP.

  • Bruxism:

In the event of teeth grinding or clenching during sleep, the orthosis protects the teeth and relieves pressure on the jaws.

Contraindications of dental braces

  • Severe apnea: above a certain level of severity, orthoses are generally not sufficient. CPAP remains the reference treatment.
  • Serious dental problems: poor dentition or excessively damaged jaws may prevent orthoses from being worn.
  • Limited mouth opening: if the mouth opening is too restricted, the patient will not be able to fit the orthosis.
  • Severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): wearing an orthosis may aggravate acid reflux symptoms.

Orthèse mandibulaire

Price of a dental orthosis for sleep apnea

Rates for dental orthotics

  • Pre-produced dental orthosis costs around €50.
  • Custom-made dental braces cost around €900.

The high price is due to the need for customized, personalized manufacturing for each patient.

⚠ The more expensive orthoses are generally more comfortable, better tolerated and offer improved mandibular advancement.

Reimbursement of dental orthotics

Coverage is subject to your health insurance.

If approved, the orthosis is covered up to 60% by compulsory health insurance.

What's more, your supplementary health insurance may cover up to 40% of the remaining cost, depending on the coverage provided by your policy.

However, a sleep assessment using polygraph or polysomnography is necessary to establish a diagnosis of sleep apnea.

A medical prescription from a sleep specialist (pulmonologist, ENT specialist, etc.) is also required for this assessment.

Sommeil et solution

Opinion on dental orthotics for sleep apnea

Opinion of doctors and dentists

Many specialists consider OAMs to be an effective and well-tolerated treatment for mild to moderate apneas:

💊 pneumologists,

💊 ENT,

💊 dentists.

They make it possible to avoid the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which some patients find restrictive.

However, the French National Authority for Health (HAS) does not recommend their use as a first-line treatment, deeming them less effective than CPAP for severe forms.

⚠ Some practitioners also point to the risk of long-term dental and joint complications.

Patient testimonials

▶ Many patients appreciate the discreetness and comfort of OAMs compared to CPAP masks.

Others complain of jaw pain, poor tolerance or insufficient efficacy.

💡 "After years of CPAP, I was finally able to get rid of this cumbersome mask thanks to my dental orthosis. I sleep better and feel great!" says Julien, 48.

💡 On the other hand, Sandrine regrets: "I tried the orthosis for 6 months, but I just couldn't get used to it. I had to go back to CPAP despite its discomfort."

The Back2Sleep solution, the intranasal orthosis

Unlike dental orthoses, the Back2Sleep intranasal orthosis is recommended by the HAS for the treatment of mild to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

This small device in the form of a nasal dilator keeps the nostrils open during sleep, facilitating the passage of air.

Easy to use and well tolerated, it is an interesting alternative to CPAP and OAM, particularly in cases where dental contraindications apply.

FAQ about dental orthotics for sleep apnea

Q. How long does a dental orthosis last?

The average lifespan of a dental brace is between 2 and 5 years, depending on use and care.

Beyond this point, the material may become deformed or brittle, requiring replacement.

Some top-of-the-range models can last up to 10 years.

Q. How do I care for a dental brace?

Daily cleaning with warm soapy water and a soft toothbrush is recommended.

Twice a week, use a denture-specific cleaning solution.

Avoid abrasive products that could scratch the plastic.

Q. What are the side effects of dental orthoses?

The main side effects are:

💊 temporary dental/mandibular discomfort or pain,

💊 hypersalivation,

💊 morning headaches,

💊 possible discomfort in the temporomandibular joint.

These inconveniences are generally minor and disappear after a few days' adjustment.

Q. Can I wear a dental orthosis if I have dental problems?

Yes, but under certain conditions.

Dental problems such as cavities, periodontitis, recent extractions or ongoing orthodontics must be treated first.

A healthy, stable dentition is essential for correct positioning of the orthosis. Your dentist or orthodontist will assess whether a brace can be worn.

¡Ya basta con la apnea del sueño y los ronquidos!!
Back2Sleep packaging with sheep to represent a deep sleep
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