In France, approximately 4% of the population is affected by sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep apnea is characterized by abnormally frequent breathing pauses and hypopneas, which are limitations in airflow. It also often causes loud snoring, which can strongly affect a couple's life, much more than one might think. Sleep apnea and couple life: what if we talked about it? We will explore what is not just a bothersome syndrome for the person suffering from sleep apnea but sometimes just as much for their partner. It is important to consider what sleep apnea can cause within a couple's life, and that is exactly what we will discuss.Sleep Apnea and Couple Life: Should We Talk About It?Indeed, sleep apnea and couple life—it is important to talk about it. During medical consultations, many doctors hear the following complaint:"My husband breathes heavily at night, he snores very loudly. I can no longer stand not being able to sleep. We both sleep poorly, and in our couple's life, it has become a real problem."There is no doubt that sleep apnea, and often unpleasant snoring, can harm a couple's life. Sleep apnea and couple life: what if we talked about it?The apneic person is often unaware of the noise disturbances they may cause to their partner. Sometimes, all this can create misunderstandings on both sides of the couple, leading to discord and repercussions on the couple’s emotional and even sexual life. Naturally, with so many inconveniences in the couple, desire, excitement, self-image, pleasure, and feelings become nonexistent or almost so, often causing a depressive state for both people involved. It is therefore essential to consult and talk about all these problems to try to find the right solutions.To What Extent Do Sleep Apnea and Snoring Affect Couple Life?In untreated cases of sleep apnea, it is not only the apneic person’s sleep that is affected but also the partner's sleep quality. Sleep is interrupted, disturbed, often with very loud snoring, leading to bad nights for the couple. Poor sleep also means bad days, frequent daytime drowsiness, and not to mention the perpetual fatigue that both affected individuals inevitably feel. Some people sleep in separate rooms, and others use earplugs, but this does not solve the lack of energy and daytime fatigue that result from it all.What Are the Possible Health Impacts of Sleep Apnea?Sleep apnea can sometimes have serious health consequences, both in the short and long term. According to pulmonologists, it is not uncommon for sleep apnea cases to reduce life expectancy. Besides issues like drowsiness, fatigue, morning headaches, and risks of accidents during the day and on the road, one thing is certain: for the apneic person as well as their partner, it is important to seek medical consultation as soon as symptoms of disturbed sleep appear.From a general perspective, among the health impacts that sleep apnea can cause, we find:A decline in quality of lifeImpacts on physical health, physical activities, and vitality.Decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, etc.An increased cardiovascular riskRepeated asphyxiation periods can lead to strokes, myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disorders, and heart failure.Sleep apnea increases the risk of sudden death from midnight to six in the morning.Vasovagal syncope can also be frequent in some individuals.High blood pressure:This is a significant risk often linked to sleep apnea.It is estimated that 30 to 40% of patients suffering from hypertension also have sleep apnea.Obesity risk:Obesity increases the risk of sleep apnea.Sometimes, sleep apnea itself contributes to obesity.Fat deposits around the pharynx block airflow in the respiratory tract.A 10% increase in BMI (Body Mass Index) multiplies the risk of sleep apnea by six.However, weight loss alone does not always improve severe cases of apnea.Diabetes risk:Intermittent lack of oxygen can promote high blood sugar levels.How to Manage the CPAP Mask in a Couple’s Bed?In treating sleep apnea, what about the apnea machine and couple life?The CPAP mask is an effective and widely used tool in sleep apnea treatment. However, in a couple’s life, this machine inevitably has an impact and can disrupt the couple's habits. So what should be done if, overnight, a machine becomes part of a couple’s bed?The first important thing is that both partners openly discuss all the advantages and disadvantages that come with the therapy and this nasal mask, including its impact on intimate moments. Some people take it with humor, while for others, it can become a real issue. However, what should be remembered is that CPAP therapy is not a love killer for all couples.One should think about the positive aspects of this machine, such as reuniting a couple that had been sleeping in separate rooms due to snoring, and the regained energy that also benefits the couple’s love life.ConclusionSleep apnea and couple life—you have understood, it is important to talk about it. For couples facing difficulties due to this issue, medical or specialized consultations can be beneficial. Yes, sleep apnea is sometimes the cause of separation or divorce in couples. Generally speaking, it is crucial to consult your general practitioner, who can then refer you to other specialists if you suspect you suffer from sleep apnea. You can also try existing devices that improve sleep and reduce snoring, such as the intranasal orthosis offered by Back2Sleep.Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.FAQsWhat worsens sleep apnea?Alcohol and tobacco consumption, sedatives, jawbone dimensions (maxilla and mandible), lying position, or neck flexion can all exacerbate symptoms by increasing airway blockage. Poor coordination of the pharyngeal muscles can also be a cause of apnea syndrome.Does sleep apnea lead to divorce?Yes, sleep apnea and snoring can ruin a marriage. Couples where one partner suffers from untreated sleep apnea or chronic snoring have higher divorce rates, according to sleep specialist Dr. Rosalind Cartwright of Rush University Medical Center.Is severe sleep apnea recognized by MDPH?It is not up to the MDPH to recognize apnea as a disability. This responsibility lies solely with the medical profession. Recognition can lead to disability benefits, specialized medical care, and workplace accommodations.What is the psychological impact of sleep apnea?It results in memory disorders and reduced brain performance. Sleep apnea also has psychological consequences: mood swings, depression, and anxiety significantly impact affected individuals' lives.